What is the Classroom Support Fund?

Classroom support funds (Class Funds) refers to money collected from parents or caretakers of students within individual classrooms that is used specifically for teacher and aide gifts as well as classroom activities & experiences throughout the year.  


These funds support YOUR child’s classroom. Every child receives the same care and education regardless of their family’s contribution levels.​



Pooling Class Funds:

Pooling classroom support funds school-wide involves collecting contributions from parents or guardians across all classrooms within a school community.

The collected funds are then distributed in a specific manner to promote fairness, equity, and optimal use for the benefit of both students and educators.

  • Teacher and Aide Gifts:

    A portion of the pooled funds is allocated for gifts to show appreciation to teachers and aides. These individuals play a vital role in shaping students' educational experiences, and the pooled funds allow for a collective and meaningful gesture of gratitude. Gifts will be given on birthdays, winter holiday, and the end of the school year, recognizing the dedication and hard work of these educators.

  • Even Distribution:

    To ensure fairness, the pooled funds are divided equally among teachers and aides. This approach acknowledges the contributions of every staff member across different grade levels and classrooms. Each teacher and aide receives an equal share of the funds designated for gifts, fostering a sense of unity and recognition within the school community.

  • Flexibility for Classrooms:

    After allocating funds for teacher and aide gifts, the remaining balance (Discretionary Fund) is distributed equally among all classrooms. This provides room parents & teachers with a pool of resources that they can use based on the classroom needs and priorities. We ask that you first utilize an in kind system via sign ups to alleviate any needs for class parties or activities, and as needed access the discretionary funds.

  • Transparency and Communication:

    Open communication about how the pooled funds are being used, the allocation process, and the impact on both teachers and students is crucial. We will providing regular updates to parents, staff, and the school community to maintain transparency and build trust in the management of the funds.

  • Collective Support:

    Pooled classroom support funds school-wide demonstrate a collective commitment to the overall success of the school and its educational environment. Parents, teachers, and administrators work together to ensure that students receive the best possible learning experience, while educators are recognized and supported for their efforts.


By pooling classroom support funds and distributing them thoughtfully, we create a collaborative and positive atmosphere that benefits everyone involved in the education journey. 



 Classroom support funds are also allocated for a variety of purposes, such as:


  • Class Celebrations and Rewards: Room parents can use the funds to organize celebrations for birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions, fostering a positive and inclusive classroom community
  • Supplementary Materials: These funds can be used to purchase extra learning materials, books, educational games, and other resources that align with the curriculum and help engage students in interactive learning.
  • Special Projects: Teachers can use the funds to implement special projects or hands-on activities that enrich the learning process, encourage creativity, and allow students to explore topics in-depth.




IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This optional fund is totally separate from the APT membership drive and the APT fundraisers. Classroom support funds are distinct from the funds raised by the APT (Association of Parents and Teachers). 


The APT supports the school as a whole, raising money for specific purposes:


  1. Aide and Specialist Salaries: The funds are used to hire and compensate classroom aides, specialists, or support staff who play a crucial role in providing personalized assistance to students with special needs or offering expertise in specific subjects.

  2. Campus Improvements: Money raised by the APT can be used for enhancing the physical infrastructure of the school, such as upgrading technology, creating outdoor learning spaces, or improving common areas.

  3. Special Programs: The funds support special programs, workshops, or events that benefit the entire school community, such as guest speakers, cultural enrichment activities, or health and wellness initiatives.

  4. Teacher Development: A portion of the funds goes towards professional development opportunities for teachers and staff, helping them stay updated with the latest teaching methods and educational trends.



What if there is money left at the end of the year?

 If there are remaining funds, they are given to the teacher for classroom supplies.


What if I cannot pay all this up front by the due date?

Parents can pay on a basis that makes sense for their family’s finances - whether it be on a trimester basis or two times a year. Payment plans are available.



Contribute at cherokeechargers.com/spiritstore or by check made out to CherokeeAPT dropped off at the office.

Questions - contact Andrea Unger, Director of School Relations or Valerie Pesch, APT President.

Questions or comments?