Cherokee Community – The History Plaza is part of the parking lot area.
This is an area that will include seating, the Literary Landmark plaque and
other features that tie the old school into the new.
In the seating area, we have concrete pavers and we are offering our
community the opportunity to buy and customize the pavers in this area.

Legacy Pavers – $150 for up to 3 lines. Each line has 15 characters.

The pavers are 4”x8” and will be laser engraved with epoxy grout.

These are very high quality and will last for decades.

Complete the form to order. You may use – hearts, accents over/under letters, “&” for the word “and”.
Punctuation and spaces between words, letters, or numbers will be included in the character limits.

Inscriptions will automatically be centered and in ALL CAPS.

***Pavers will be installed once per school year, in the spring – date TBD.***